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From Förberedande kurs i matematik 1

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| width="220" height="203" |<math>\text{@(a class="image" href="" target="_blank")@(img src="" alt="Film om Elin")@(/img)@(/a)}</math>
| width="220" height="203" |<math>\text{@(a class="image" href="" target="_blank")@(img src="" alt="Film om Elin")@(/img)@(/a)}</math>
'''How did it happen that Elin became interested in mathematics?'''
'''Vad gjorde att Elin blev intresserad av matematik?'''
Watch the video in which Elin Ottergren,a mentor on the course and former "Internet" student, relates how she became interested in mathematics.
''Titta på videon där Elin Ottergren, mentor på kursen och tidigare "nät"student, berättar om hur hennes matematikintresse väcktes.''
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=== There is now an easy way to be better prepared for your university studies.===
This course is meant for those of you whose studies include mathematics and who wish to be well prepared before the start of the course. The course is even suitable for those of you who wish to refresh their mathematics for whatever reason.
=== Nu finns ett enkelt sätt att komma bättre rustad till dina högskolestudier ===
Den här kursen är till för dig som ska läsa en utbildning där matematik ingår, och som vill vara ordentligt förberedd inför kursstarten. Kursen är också bra för dig som av andra anledningar vill fräscha upp dina kunskaper i matematik.
Kursen är en överbryggning från gymnasiet in i högskolan. Även om du klarat matematiken mycket bra tidigare rekommenderar vi dig att läsa kursen. Den berättigar till studiemedel och kan läsas helt via Internet. Kursen ges i samarbete mellan flera av landets högskolor och centret MATH.SE.
The course is a designed as a bridging course between high school and university. Even those of you who did well in high school mathematics are recommended to read the course. It is eligible for student financial assistance and can be read studied entirely on the Internet. The course is a cooperation between several of the country's universities and the Centre MATH.SE.
Du bestämmer själv när du vill studera och kan lätt anpassa studierna efter dina övriga planer.
You timetable yourself your studies and thus can easily adapt your studies to fit in with any other plans you may have.
'''Anmälan och tillgång till forum, support, examination och personlig mentor'''
'''Tregistration and access to forums, support, examination and a personal mentor'''
Kurslitteraturen är öppet tillgänglig via Internet. Anmälan till kursen sker fortlöpande under året genom ett elektroniskt formulär på och du får då direkt ett användarnamn och lösenord som ger tillgång till allt kursmaterial, diskussionsforum, support, uppföljning och prov. Du får också en personlig mentor som hjälper dig att lyckas med dina studier.
*The course literature is open and accessible via the Internet. You can register on the course anytime during the year by means of the electronic form on and you will be given a user name and password that provides access to all course materials, discussion forums, support, monitoring and tests. You also be assigned a personal mentor to help you do well in your studies.
'''Handledning och examination'''
Du kan när som helst på nätet diskutera med studiekamrater, ställa frågor och få handledning av lärare. Examination sker via Internet efterhand som du arbetar med kursen. Vissa av våra högskolor erbjuder handledning och satsningar på plats som komplement till det som sker på Internet.
'''Supervision and examination'''
[[Bild:pussel.jpg|thumb|250px|Roliga pussel med tal hittar du bland annat på [ Puzzel Playground ]]]
You may at any time take part in online discussions with fellow students, ask questions and receive guidance from teachers. Examination is via the Internet as you work on the course. Some of our universities offer supervision and local assistance in addition to what is available on the Internet.
'''Observera att materialet i denna kurs är utformat för att man ska arbeta med det utan hjälp av miniräknare.'''
[[Bild:pussel.jpg|thumb|250px|Fun puzzles with speech can be found for example at [ Puzzel Playground ]]]
'''Please note that the course has been designed on the assumption that calculators are not used.'''
When you get to university, you will not be allowed to use calculators in your "exams", at least in the basic courses.In the advanced courses in mathematics one has hardly any use of calculators, as the mathematics is more about understanding principles than performing calculation. For example, it is important to understand why 7 + 3 is the same as 3 + 7, than to be able to carry out the additions and get the answer 10.
När du kommer till högskolan kommer du nämligen ''inte'' att få använda miniräknare på dina "tentor", åtminstone inte på grundkurserna. På högre kurser i matematik har man knappast någon användning för miniräknare, eftersom matematiken då mer handlar om att förstå principer än att utföra räkneoperationer. Det är exempelvis viktigare att förstå varför 7 + 3 är detsamma som 3 + 7, än att kunna utföra additionen och få fram svaret 10.
<div class="inforuta" style="width:580px;">
<div class="inforuta" style="width:580px;">
'''Så här lyckas du med kursen'''
'''How to get the most out of this course'''
<li>Börja med att läsa genomgången till ett avsnitt och tänka igenom exemplen.</li>
<li>*Start by reading the review of the theory to a section and work through the examples.
<li>Arbeta sedan med övningsuppgifterna och försök att lösa dem utan miniräknare. Kontrollera att du kommit fram till rätt svar genom att klicka på svarsknappen. Har du inte det, så kan du klicka på lösningsknappen, för att se hur du ska göra.</li>
<li>Gå därefter vidare och svara på frågorna i grundprovet som hör till avsnittet.</li>
<li>Skulle du fastna, se efter om någon ställt en fråga om just detta i avsnittets forum. Ställ annars en fråga om du undrar över något. Din lärare (eller en studiekamrat) kommer att besvara den inom några timmar.</li>
Then work through the practise problems and try to solve them without using a calculator. Make sure that you have reached the right answer by clicking on the answer button. If you do not have the right answer, you can click on the solution button to see how the problem is done.
<li>När du är klar med övningsuppgifterna och grundproven i ett avsnitt så ska du göra slutprovet för att bli godkänd på avsnittet. Där gäller det att svara rätt på tre frågor i följd för att kunna gå vidare.</li>
<li>När du fått alla rätt på både grundprov och slutprov, så är du godkänd på den delen och kan gå vidare till nästa del i kursen.</li>
<li>Proceed by answering the questions in the basic test of the section you are in. </li>
If you get stuck,,see if this particular topic has been discussed in the forum.Pose a question if you have any queries.. Your teacher (or a student) will respond to it within a few hours.
When you are finished with the exercises and the basic test belonging to a section you must do final test to obtain a pass for the section. Here the requirement is answering correctly three questions in a row in order to move on.
Have answered correctly in both basic and final tests, means you have passed that particular section and can advance to the next part of the course.
PS If you feel that you are familiar with the contents of a section you can to go directly to the basic and final tests. All answer to a test must be correct, but you may redo the test several times, if you do not succeed at first attempt. It is your final results, which appear in the statistics.
P.S. Tycker du att innehållet i ett avsnitt känns välbekant, så kan du testa att gå direkt till grundprovet och slutprovet. Du måste få alla rätt på ett prov, men kan göra om provet flera gånger, om du inte lyckas på första försöket. Det är ditt senaste resultat som visas i statistiken.

Revision as of 13:04, 30 June 2008

\displaystyle \text{@(a class="image" href="" target="_blank")@(img src="" alt="Film om Elin")@(/img)@(/a)}

How did it happen that Elin became interested in mathematics?

Watch the video in which Elin Ottergren,a mentor on the course and former "Internet" student, relates how she became interested in mathematics.

There is now an easy way to be better prepared for your university studies.

This course is meant for those of you whose studies include mathematics and who wish to be well prepared before the start of the course. The course is even suitable for those of you who wish to refresh their mathematics for whatever reason.

The course is a designed as a bridging course between high school and university. Even those of you who did well in high school mathematics are recommended to read the course. It is eligible for student financial assistance and can be read studied entirely on the Internet. The course is a cooperation between several of the country's universities and the Centre MATH.SE.

You timetable yourself your studies and thus can easily adapt your studies to fit in with any other plans you may have.

Tregistration and access to forums, support, examination and a personal mentor

  • The course literature is open and accessible via the Internet. You can register on the course anytime during the year by means of the electronic form on and you will be given a user name and password that provides access to all course materials, discussion forums, support, monitoring and tests. You also be assigned a personal mentor to help you do well in your studies.

Supervision and examination

You may at any time take part in online discussions with fellow students, ask questions and receive guidance from teachers. Examination is via the Internet as you work on the course. Some of our universities offer supervision and local assistance in addition to what is available on the Internet.

thumb|250px|Fun puzzles with speech can be found for example at [ Puzzel Playground ]

Please note that the course has been designed on the assumption that calculators are not used.

When you get to university, you will not be allowed to use calculators in your "exams", at least in the basic courses.In the advanced courses in mathematics one has hardly any use of calculators, as the mathematics is more about understanding principles than performing calculation. For example, it is important to understand why 7 + 3 is the same as 3 + 7, than to be able to carry out the additions and get the answer 10.

How to get the most out of this course

  1. *Start by reading the review of the theory to a section and work through the examples.
  2. Then work through the practise problems and try to solve them without using a calculator. Make sure that you have reached the right answer by clicking on the answer button. If you do not have the right answer, you can click on the solution button to see how the problem is done.
  3. Proceed by answering the questions in the basic test of the section you are in.
  4. If you get stuck,,see if this particular topic has been discussed in the forum.Pose a question if you have any queries.. Your teacher (or a student) will respond to it within a few hours.
  5. When you are finished with the exercises and the basic test belonging to a section you must do final test to obtain a pass for the section. Here the requirement is answering correctly three questions in a row in order to move on.
  6. Have answered correctly in both basic and final tests, means you have passed that particular section and can advance to the next part of the course.

PS If you feel that you are familiar with the contents of a section you can to go directly to the basic and final tests. All answer to a test must be correct, but you may redo the test several times, if you do not succeed at first attempt. It is your final results, which appear in the statistics.