4.1 Angles and circles

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  • Various angle measures (degrees, radians and revolutions)
  • Pythagoras' theorem
  • Formula for distance in the plane
  • Equation of a circle

Learning outcomes:

After this section, you will have learned :

  • To convert between degrees, radians and revolutions.
  • Calculate the area and circumference of sectors of a circle.
  • The concepts of right-angled triangles including its legs and hypotenuse.
  • To formulate and use Pythagoras' theorem.
  • To calculate the distance between two points in the plane.
  • To sketch circles by completing the square in their equations.
  • The concepts of unit circle, tangent, radius, diameter, circumference, chord and arc.
  • To solve geometric problems that contain circles.

Angle measures

There are several different units for measuring angles, which are used in different contexts. The two most common within mathematics are degrees and radians.

  • Degrees . If a complete revolution is divided into 360 parts, then each part is called 1 degree. Degrees are designated by\displaystyle {}^\circ.


  • Radians. Another way to measure an angle is to use the length of the arc which subtends the angle in relation to the radius as a measure of the angle. This unit is called radian. A revolution is \displaystyle 2\pi radians as the circumference of a circle is \displaystyle 2\pi r, where \displaystyle r is the radius of the circle.


A complete revolution is \displaystyle 360^\circ or \displaystyle 2\pi radians which means

\displaystyle \begin{align*}
   &1^\circ = \frac{1}{360} \cdot 2\pi\ \mbox{ radians }
            = \frac{\pi}{180}\ \mbox{ radians,}\\
   &1\ \mbox{ radian } = \frac{1}{2\pi} \cdot 360^\circ
            = \frac{180^\circ}{\pi}\,\mbox{.}

These conversion relations can be used to convert between degrees and radians.

Example 1

  1. \displaystyle 30^\circ = 30 \cdot 1^\circ = 30 \cdot \frac{\pi}{180}\ \mbox{ radians } = \frac{\pi}{6}\ \mbox{ radians }
  2. \displaystyle \frac{\pi}{8}\ \mbox { radians } = \frac{\pi}{8} \cdot (1 \; \mbox{radians}\,) = \frac{\pi}{8} \cdot \frac{180^\circ}{\pi} = 22{,}5^\circ

In some contexts, it may be useful to talk about negative angles and angles greater than 360°. This means that the same direction can be designated by different angles that differ from each other by an integral number of revolutions.

4.1 - Figur - Vinklarna 45°, -315° och 405°

Example 2

  1. The angles \displaystyle -55^\circ and \displaystyle 665^\circ indicate the same direction because
     -55^\circ + 2 \cdot 360^\circ = 665^\circ\,\mbox{.}
  2. The angles \displaystyle \frac{3\pi}{7} and \displaystyle -\frac{11\pi}{7} indicate the same direction because
     \frac{3\pi}{7} - 2\pi = -\frac{11\pi}{7}\,\mbox{.}
  3. The angles \displaystyle 36^\circ and \displaystyle 216^\circ do not specify the same direction, but opposite directions since
     36^\circ + 180^\circ = 216^\circ\,\mbox{.}

Formula for distance in the plane

The theorem of Pythagoras is one of the most famous theorems in mathematics and says that in a right-angled triangle with the legs \displaystyle a and \displaystyle b, and the hypotenuse \displaystyle c then

Pythagoras theorem: :
\displaystyle c^2 = a^2 + b^2\,\mbox{.}
4.1 - Figur - Pythagoras sats

Example 3

The triangle on the right is
\displaystyle c^2= 3^2 + 4^2 = 9 +16 = 25

and therefore hypotenuse \displaystyle c equal to

\displaystyle c=\sqrt{25} = 5\,\mbox{.}
4.1 - Figur - Rätvinklig triangel med sidor 3, 4 och 5

Pythagoras' theorem can be used to calculate the distance between two points in a coordinate system.

Formula for distance:

The distance \displaystyle d between two points with coordinates \displaystyle (x,y) and \displaystyle (a,b) är

\displaystyle d = \sqrt{(x – a)^2 + (y – b)^2}\,\mbox{.}

The line joining the points is the hypotenuse of a triangle whose legs are parallel to the coordinate axes.

4.1 - Figur - Avståndsformeln

The legs of the triangle have lengths equal to the the difference in the x- and y-directions of the points, that is. \displaystyle |x-a| and \displaystyle |y-b|. Pythagoras theorem then gives the formula for the distance.

Example 4

  1. The distance between \displaystyle (1,2) and \displaystyle (3,1) is
     d = \sqrt{ (1-3)^2 + (2-1)^2}
       = \sqrt{(-2)^2 + 1^2}
       = \sqrt{ 4+1}
       = \sqrt{5}\,\mbox{.}
  2. The distance between \displaystyle (-1,0) and \displaystyle (-2,-5) is
     d = \sqrt{ (-1-(-2))^2 + (0-(-5))^2}
       = \sqrt{1^2 + 5^2}
       = \sqrt{1+25}
       = \sqrt{26}\,\mbox{.}


A circle consists of all the points that are at a given fixed distance \displaystyle r from a point \displaystyle (a,b).

4.1 - Figur - Cirkel

The distance \displaystyle r is called the circles radius and the point \displaystyle (a,b) is its centre. The figure below shows the other important concepts.

4.1 - Figur - Diameter 4.1 - Figur - Tangent 4.1 - Figur - Korda 4.1 - Figur - Sekant
Diameter Tangent Chord Secant
4.1 - Figur - Cirkelbåge 4.1 - Figur - Periferi 4.1 - Figur - Cirkelsektor 4.1 - Figur - Cirkelsegment
Arc of a circle circumference sector of a circle segment of a circle

Example 5

A sector of a circle is given in the figure on the right.
  1. Determine its arc length .

    The central angle \displaystyle 50^\circ is in radians
     50^\circ = 50 \cdot 1^\circ
              = 50 \cdot \frac{\pi}{180}\ \mbox{ radians }
              = \frac{5\pi}{18}\ \mbox{ radians. }

4.1 - Figur - Cirkelsektor 50°

  1. The way radians have been defined means that the arc length is the radius multiplied by the angle measured in radians,
     3 \cdot \frac{5\pi}{18}\ \mbox{units }
     = \frac{5\pi}{6}\ \mbox{ lunits . }
  1. Determine the area of the circle segment.

    The circle segments share of the entire circle is
     \frac{50^\circ}{360^\circ} = \frac{5}{36}

    and this means that its area is \displaystyle \frac{5}{36} parts of the circle area ,which is \displaystyle \pi r^2 = \pi 3^2 = 9\pi, i.e.

     \frac{5}{36} \cdot 9\pi\ \mbox{ units }= \frac{5\pi}{4}\ \mbox{ units }

A point \displaystyle (x,y) lies on the circle that has its center at \displaystyle (a,b) and radius \displaystyle r, if its distance from the centre is equal to \displaystyle r. This condition can be formulated with the distance formula as

Circle equation:
\displaystyle (x – a)^2 + (y – b)^2 = r^2\,\mbox{.}
4.1 - Figur - Cirkelns ekvation

Example 6

  1. \displaystyle (x-1)^2 + (y-2)^2 = 9\quad is the equation for a circle with its center at \displaystyle (1,2) and radius \displaystyle \sqrt{9} = 3.
4.1 - Figur - Ekvationen (x - 1)² + (y - 2)² = 9
  1. \displaystyle x^2 + (y-1)^2 = 1\quad can be written as \displaystyle (x-0)^2 + (y-1)^2 = 1 and is the equation of a circle with its centre at \displaystyle (0,1) and having a radius \displaystyle \sqrt{1} = 1.
4.1 - Figur - Ekvationen x² + (y - 1)² = 1
  1. \displaystyle (x+1)^2 + (y-3)^2 = 5\quad can be written as \displaystyle (x-(-1))^2 + (y-3)^2 = 5 and is the equation of a circle with its centre at \displaystyle (-1,3) and having a radius \displaystyle \sqrt{5} \approx 2{,}236.
4.1 - Figur - Ekvationen (x + 1)² + (y - 3)² = 5

Example 7

  1. Does the point \displaystyle (1,2) lie on the circle \displaystyle (x-4)^2 +y^2=13?

    Inserting the coordinates of the point \displaystyle x=1 and \displaystyle y=2 in the circle equation, we have that
    \displaystyle \begin{align*}
       \mbox{LS } &= (1-4)^2+2^2\\
                  &= (-3)^2+2^2 = 9+4 = 13 = \mbox{RS}\,\mbox{.}

    Since the point satisfies the circle equation it lies on the circle.

    4.1 - Figur - Ekvationen (x - 4)² + y² = 13
  2. Determine the equation for the circle that has its center at \displaystyle (3,4) and goes through the point \displaystyle (1,0).

    Since the point \displaystyle (1,0) lies on the circle the radius of the circle must be equal to the distance of the point from \displaystyle (1,0) to the midpoint \displaystyle (3,4). The distance formula gives that this distance is
     c = \sqrt{(3-1)^2 + (4-0)^2} = \sqrt{4 +16} = \sqrt{20} \, \mbox{.}

    The circle equation is therefore

    \displaystyle (x-3)^2 + (y-4)^2 = 20 \; \mbox{.}
    4.1 - Figur - Ekvationen (x - 3)² + (y - 4)² = 20

Example 8

Determine the centre and radius of the circle with equation \displaystyle \ x^2 + y^2 – 2x + 4y + 1 = 0.

Let us try to write the circle equation in the form

\displaystyle (x – a)^2 + (y – b)^2 = r^2

because then we can directly read from this that the midpoint is \displaystyle (a,b) and the radius is \displaystyle r.

Start by completing the square for the terms containing \displaystyle x on the left-hand side

 \underline{x^2-2x\vphantom{(}} + y^2+4y + 1
 = \underline{(x-1)^2-1^2} + y^2+4y + 1

(the underlined terms shows the terms involved).

Complete the square for the terms containing \displaystyle y

 (x-1)^2-1^2 + \underline{y^2+4y} + 1
 = (x-1)^2-1^2 + \underline{(y+2)^2-2^2} + 1\,\mbox{.}

The left-hand side is equal to

\displaystyle (x-1)^2 + (y+2)^2-4

and moving over the 4 to to the right-hand side we get the circle equation

\displaystyle (x-1)^2 + (y+2)^2 = 4 \, \mbox{.}

We can interpret this that the centre is \displaystyle (1,-2) and the radius is \displaystyle \sqrt{4}= 2.

4.1 - Figur - Ekvationen x² + y² - 2x + 4y + 1 = 0


Study advice

The basic and final tests

After you have read the text and worked through the exercises, you should do the basic and final tests to pass this section. You can find the link to the tests in your student lounge.

Keep in mind that:


For those of you who want to deepen your studies or need more detailed explanations consider the following references:

Learn more about Pythagoras theorem in English Wikipedia

Read more in Mathworld about the circle


Interactive experiments: the sine and cosine on the unit circle (Flash)