5. Written presentation and communication of mathematics

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How To do well with the assignment and the group project

When you have answered correctly all questions in both the basic and the final tests you should move on and work with your individual assignment. A link to this can be found in the "Student Lounge."

When you submit your assignment, you will automatically be grouped together with three other students in the class who have recently submitted their assignments and will constitute a group. Within this group you can see one another' s assignments and the group will have access to its own discussion forum.

The group's task is to review all the members' individual submissions and then agree on a common 'best' solution to each of the individual projects. The group will then make a joint submission and it is these solutions that constitute the solution to the group project, together with an account of the contributions to the final solutions of each member of the group.


The objective here is that the group discusses mathematics, ask questions about points that is not clear in the various solutions, explain how they themselves have reasoned, answer messages from the other group members and help in the final compilation. When the group is satisfied it will then make a joint submission and it is these solutions that are reviewed and commented on by the teacher. The teacher communicates with the entire group, and if there is anything the group has missed one has the opportunity to make new group submission until everything is satisfactory and can be approved.

To pass the group project you need to participate actively, such as, for example, by asking questions and helping with work on the joint final submission. The individual submissions do not have to be perfect as it is within the group that the final solutions are worked out. If you get stuck, or are uncertain of something, you can always send a question to the teachers and receive help. Our goal is for everyone to pass all parts of the course - and that you should feel that you are well prepared for your university studies.